Sensation & Perception, 4e

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Striate Receptive Fields

Firing Rate:



This activity simulates an experiment in which we map out the receptive fields of neurons in striate cortex, the first area of the cerebral cortex to receive information from the eyes. There are many types of striate cells and this cell’s receptive field type is shown at the top of the black square at left.

Neurons in striate cortex respond best to bars of light, rather than the spots of light that maximally stimulate retinal ganglion cells.


This activity simulates a single-cell recording experiment that maps out the receptive fields of striate cortex cells. On the left of the screen you see a black square representing a small piece of retina, with a diagram of the receptive field of a striate neuron in the center. A bar of light shines somewhere on the retina, and the neuron’s firing rate in response to this light is given above and to the left.

Click and drag the bar of light to move it around, or click in the control panel at top left to change the bar’s orientation and width. Observe the effect that these changes have on the firing rate of the striate neuron.

Click the NEW RF button to switch to another, randomly-selected, receptive field type.

Click the “Quiz Mode” link to try your hand at identifying the receptive fields of new cells (you’ll receive new instructions when you enter quiz mode).

Experimental Procedure

After determining the response characteristics of retinal ganglion cells (as demonstrated in the activity on Ganglion Receptive Fields in Chapter 2), some researchers turned their attention to cells farther along in the visual system, in the first area of the cerebral cortex to receive information from the eyes. This area is called striate cortex in humans, and primary visual cortex in the cats that were the subjects of these early single-cell recording studies.

As described in your textbook, Harvard neuroscientists Hubel and Wiesel were attempting to stimulate visual cortex cells with spots of light that they manipulated using glass slides. They failed to stimulate any cells with the spots, but serendipitously discovered that the edges of the slides, which effectively showed bars of light to the cells, did cause many neurons to respond. By switching to light bar stimuli and carefully observing neuronal responses as they moved and rotated the bars, Hubel and Wiesel were able to discover several important characteristics of these cells’ receptive fields.*

Real neurons can fire at rates ranging from zero (if the neuron is dead or extremely inhibited) to hundreds of action potentials per second. To simplify things, our simulation of Hubel and Wiesel’s experiment represents neural firing rates on a scale of 0 to 100. Note that there is a certain amount of randomness associated with neural firing rates, so the firing rate is constantly changing a little bit, even if you don’t move or change the bar.

*More recent research has indicated that Gabor patches (see the activity on these stimuli) actually stimulate striate cortex cells better than bars of light, but we will use the simpler, “classic” version of the experiment in this activity.

Review: What Is a Receptive Field?

As you learned in Chapter 3, every neuron in the visual system has a distinctive receptive field—an area of the retina that the cell responds to, along with a particular pattern of light that must be present in that area for the neuron to respond. As we move farther along in the visual system, receptive fields generally get larger (that is, neurons respond to larger areas of the retina) and more complex. In the retina, ganglion cells come in two types, on-center and off-center (see the activity on Ganglion Receptive Fields to review these receptive field types). In contrast, some 32 types of striate cortex receptive fields are illustrated in this activity, yet several important receptive field characteristics of these cells have still been left out for simplicity’s sake.

As you read about and explore the receptive field characteristics of striate cortex cells, note that receptive fields are not “all-or-nothing” propositions. For example, a cell may respond best to a vertically oriented bar of light. If the bar is tilted slightly to the left or right, however, the cell will probably still respond somewhat. It just won’t quite respond at its maximum firing rate. Such response gradation is characteristic of almost all areas of the nervous system, and this mechanism is quite different than that used in human-made computers such as the one you are using now.

Receptive Field Characteristics of Striate Cortex Neurons

As noted in the previous section, striate cortex neurons vary in many different ways, some of which are listed below. Click on an item to see a description of it. In the descriptions, click on particular characteristics to force the receptive field of our sample neuron to have this characteristic, then play with the bar of light to see how cells with that characteristic respond.

Quiz Mode

Imagine you are a neuroscientist recording from an unexplored neuron in striate cortex. You know the cell’s receptive field is somewhere in the black square, but you don’t know exactly where, and you also want to find out the type of the receptive field and the optimal bar width and orientation for the cell. Move and change the width and orientation of the bar of light, observe the changes in the cell’s firing rate, and try to determine this information.

When you think you know the cell’s receptive field, position the bar over the center of the field with the width and orientation set to maximally stimulate the cell. Then click the link below corresponding to the type of the receptive field. You’ll be told whether you’re right or wrong, and the receptive field will be revealed.

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